Saturday, March 29, 2008

Let's Welcome Tamla Stewart Pridgen

Tamla Stewart Pridgen is the daughter of Jamie Bell Stewart (Class of 68..deceased) and Mike Stewart (Class of 67). The exciting news is that she will be joining us for our reunion. I'm putting the update below in her own words... she says it beautifully.

I haven’t lived in Aiken in many years. After graduating from USC in 1990, I married Bert Pridgen, also an Aiken native, in March of 1991. I also married into the Marine Corps that day so have lived in NC, California, Virginia and now Maryland (for a second tour). We have three children….a daughter almost 15, a son almost 12 and another son who is 9. Both of our families live in and around Aiken, including my mother’s parents who raised me, so we visit as often as we can – my kids LOVE Aiken!

I sure hope to meet you in person in May. It is so neat for me to hear things about my mom from her friends – I was so young when her accident happened so my memories are almost nonexistent. It would be awesome for me to be in a room full of her former classmates and friends.

This is a picture of Tamla and her husband Bert that was taken last year at the Marine Corps Ball.

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