Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Dawn Bass Carr sent this picture....

Dawn says ..... Can anyone help identify these children?
Millbrook Elementary First Grade..1955-56
(Look at the bottom of this page for a larger view)

Letter from Danny Brinkley..... received 4/30/08

Dear Carolyn:

I am so disappointed to have to tell you that I will not be able to attend our 40th High School Reunion. I am really sad about this as I have never once missed a single reunion. However, this year something very important, concerning my foundation, The Twilight Brigade ( has come up, and I must take care of it, instead. I want you to let everyone that attends to know that I love them very much! I am so glad we made it this far. Please know that I truly appreciate the hard work it took to put this reunion together.
See you all at the 45th!

With love and purpose,

Danny and Kathryn\

PS I have attached a picture of me and Kathryn for you to post on the site. Thank you so very much.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Lobster Trainers??

Chuck Booker invites any of you from the Class of 1968 who would like to be Assistant Lobster Trainers to come on out to the Lobster Race, May 2 and help. We'll meet on the sidewalk in front of Aiken Brewing Company at 6:30 p.m. We want Miss Aiken High 1968 to be a well-trained lobster.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Update.... Pamela Donovan Hawkins

I check once a week to catch the updates, and I am thrilled to read about everyone. I have been an English teacher for 29 years, and I retired last year to move to Denver where Celeste (my daughter) and her family (two boys) live. My husband, Bo, and I have another grandson in Greenville.However, my house in Barnwell has not sold, so I went back to work in Oct.Thanks to all of you who e-mailed to catch up! See you May 3!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Another update... Robert Kuntze

Bob Kuntze lives in Coto de Caza, California. He says: "Still working in the automotive industry for Kia Motors America as Director of Sales Operations. Retirement is not on the horizon."

Monday, April 21, 2008

Update... Ann Hodges Arnette

Ann and her son on the top of Cadillac Mountain, in Maine.

Ann with her first grandbaby, daughter-in-law Leslie, and Trey, her older son.

Ann's own words...... "I really am getting excited about seeing everyone. This website was a wonderful idea. It helps many of us who are out of the area to get reacquainted after so long."

Thanks to Ann for sharing her pictures. You can read Ann's update in the guestbook.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Attention.... Meeting Place for Lobster Race

If you are planning to go to the Lobster Race in downtown Aiken on Friday, May 2, and would like to meet up with your fellow classmates, here's the info.
We will meet at 6:30 p.m. in front of Aiken Brewing Company on Laurens Street then walk through the Alley to the Newberry Street area.
Everyone is invited... Even if you can't make it to the reunion, you can catch up with your old classmates there.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

More Lobster Race Info....

Well, the Class of 1968 is sponsoring a lobster in the Lobster Race (for charity) in downtown Aiken on Friday, May 2. You're all invited to come out and cheer our lobster on to victory. Our race is supposed to be between 7-8 p.m. Our lobster's name is Miss Aiken High 1968. This will be a wonderful way to kick off our reunion weekend.

Here are the official words from the Aiken Downtown Development website.....
Newberry St, Downtown. The race features live Maine thoroughbred racing lobsters. Local restaurants provide gourmet food in the streets. Enjoy rides, family activities, a community performance stage and more. 5:30-11:30 pm. $5 adults. Children under 6 admitted free.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Another update........ Helen Tewkesbury

Note from Carolyn .... I feel a little proud that Helen and Bob got married. I knew both of them before they met one another and was able to tell each one what a nice person the other was. I recently asked Helen to send me an update to post. Here it is.....

Helen Tewkesbury Hinds...
I thought my life watching the grand-babies was exciting, then I met and married Bob Hinds in 2005 (well, and again on April Fool's Day 2006, but that's a whole 'nother story). Between working backstage at the Aiken Community Playhouse, or helping at rehearsals at the Etherridge Center, riding cross-country to visit Bob's son Chris in San Diego on a motorcycle (through a hail storm and a tornado), or serving as his entire pit crew when he's racing motorcycles all over the southeast, I barely had time to send in this note. When we're not rehearsing or racing, we're watching old movies - and other people motorcycle racing. I'm now grandmother to 3 boys in Aiken and Raleigh, with a fourth on the way, and Bob's kids haven't even started having any of theirs yet. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot of not-so-old friends at the reunion.

Bob and Helen as they depart for San Diego on a two-week trip by motorcycle (Bob's idea of a honeymoon...)

Helen visits the angels at Rockefeller Plaza in NYC this past Christmas.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Interesting Info.... Ronnie Patterson

I recently learned of Ronnie Patterson's current business and asked him for a little more information. I found it so interesting, I asked his permission to post a link and a few lines about it.

Ronnie says ...
........ Our LED-based therapy is the real deal. An amazing guy with a Harvard PhD/ BioMedical Engineering/ 4th Degree of Master of Traditional Chinese Medicineand a DC got our Lumen and has, at his own expense, completed a peer-reviewed study on patients with acute low-back pain and elevated cortisol and histamine levels. He documented a that with a 20-minute applicationof our small pad to the lumbar areas, the patients achieved a 94% reduction in pain, a 37% reduction in serum cortisol and a 28% reduction in histamine. The latter two results are 100 times better than the best pharma drug. He says he will document cholesterol also.
And it is safe to use on a canary.
We have a testimonial from a MD who absent-mindedly grabbed the pan handle that was 450 degrees resulting in a severe burn(skin-graft type) that healed completely in less than 4 hours! Collagen regenration at an extraordianry rate. Also used by aestheticians for facial applications.
And this is just the tip of what we see and hear.

Check out the product at (This is not a link..just paste it into your browser)

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Are you on the fence??

If you're on the fence over whether to attend or not, just come on. Don't miss this good time. You can call Dale Prout at 803 649-9649 or Carolyn Nichols at 803 507-1543. You still have time to get your money in.
